Monday, January 7, 2013

Holiday Season Shows the Importance of Mobile Interaction

Read the full article on Bill Mullin's Tech Thoughts
Sales from tablets and mobile phones outperformed.
I can't say we didn't see this one coming. Mobile interaction and sales have been steadily increasing since 2009, some would even say since the advent of the smartphone. It's just common sense; people don't need to go home anymore to get on their computers and interact online, they have their own computer in their pockets. This applies to social media interaction, search, and most definitely shopping. Everyone and their mother has an application these days to help boost online sales, and this past holiday season was proof that it is a strategy worth investing in, especially considering the rising number of tablet users. 
"In 2012, shoppers spent $1.46 billion online on the Monday following Thanksgiving (also known as “Cyber Monday”). And more than 18 percent of shoppers used a mobile device to access retail sites that day. As mobile devices become more available – and as retailers designer their websites to be more mobile-friendly – the trend in online shopping is expected to continue.
Of particular interest to retailers is the fact that people who use mobile devices to shop online exhibit a slightly higher rate of conversion when compared to their desktop computer-using counterparts. That’s why it pays to develop a strategy for capturing this audience."
Read the full article on Bill Mullin's Tech Thoughts


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